
How can I modify .xfdl files? (Update #1)

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-22 01:44:56
问题 The .XFDL file extension identifies XFDL Formatted Document files. These belong to the XML-based document and template formatting standard. This format is exactly like the XML file format however, contains a level of encryption for use in secure communications. I know how to view XFDL files using a file viewer I found here. I can also modify and save these files by doing File:Save/Save As. I'd like, however, to modify these files on the fly. Any suggestions? Is this even possible? Update #1:

XPath, XML Namespaces and Java

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-18 06:14:29
问题 I've spent the past day attempting to extract a one XML node out of the following document and am unable to grasp the nuances of XML Namespaces to make it work. The XML file is to large to post in total so here is the portion that concerns me: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?> <XFDL xmlns="http://www.PureEdge.com/XFDL/6.5" xmlns:custom="http://www.PureEdge.com/XFDL/Custom" xmlns:designer="http://www.PureEdge.com/Designer/6.1" xmlns:pecs="http://www.PureEdge.com

XPath, XML Namespaces and Java

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-18 06:14:11
问题 I've spent the past day attempting to extract a one XML node out of the following document and am unable to grasp the nuances of XML Namespaces to make it work. The XML file is to large to post in total so here is the portion that concerns me: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?> <XFDL xmlns="http://www.PureEdge.com/XFDL/6.5" xmlns:custom="http://www.PureEdge.com/XFDL/Custom" xmlns:designer="http://www.PureEdge.com/Designer/6.1" xmlns:pecs="http://www.PureEdge.com

How can I modify .xfdl files? (Update #1)

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-04 23:09:41
The .XFDL file extension identifies XFDL Formatted Document files. These belong to the XML-based document and template formatting standard. This format is exactly like the XML file format however, contains a level of encryption for use in secure communications. I know how to view XFDL files using a file viewer I found here . I can also modify and save these files by doing File:Save/Save As. I'd like, however, to modify these files on the fly. Any suggestions? Is this even possible? Update #1: I have now successfully decoded and unziped a .xfdl into an XML file which I can then edit. Now, I am