
Oracle not able to insert data into varchar2(4000 char) column

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-28 06:00:54
问题 I use Oracle 12c. I have below table in my DB. CREATE TABLE TEST_T (COL VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)); I need insert multibyte characters in this table. The character is 3 byte character. I am able to insert only 1333 (upto 3999 bytes) characters in table. My expectation is to insert upto 1500 multibyte characters but I get ORA - 01461 . I don't want to change data type to CLOB or LONG. Is there any way to use VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR) to achieve this. Below is the code, SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE LV_VAR


心已入冬 提交于 2020-12-31 05:00:47
核心提示: oracle修改varchar2为number1.为目标列增加一个临时列 alter table t_user_blood_pressure add user_id2 number(20); 2.将目标列的值复制到临时列 update t_user_blood_pressure... oracle修改varchar2为number1.为目标列增加一个临时列 alter table t_user_blood_pressure add user_id2 number(20); 2.将目标列的值复制到临时列 update t_user_blood_pressure set user_id2=nvl(to_number(user_id),0); 3.删除目标列 alter table t_user_blood_pressure drop column user_id; 4.将临时列重命名为目标列 alter table t_user_blood_pressure rename column user_id2 to user_id; 5.建立目标表的临时表(select 目标表的时候重新组合列的顺序,将目标列的顺序调整回最初的位置,步骤1中加的列是放在表达最后位置) create table t_user2 as select HTTP_MESSAGE_ID,LOCAL_DATE

What is the default value of VARCHAR2 in Oracle?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-04-14 12:14:33
问题 I have a column in one of my tables that is of type varchar2(2000) , but does this mean 2000 bytes ? or 2000 characters ? Because I know there's a difference between bytes and characters... 回答1: The default is one of the NLS parameters of your session, namely NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS . Here is how I can check it from my session: select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS' ; VALUE ------ BYTE You can alter your session to change the value (or you can do it through

What is the default value of VARCHAR2 in Oracle?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-04-14 12:14:19
问题 I have a column in one of my tables that is of type varchar2(2000) , but does this mean 2000 bytes ? or 2000 characters ? Because I know there's a difference between bytes and characters... 回答1: The default is one of the NLS parameters of your session, namely NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS . Here is how I can check it from my session: select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS' ; VALUE ------ BYTE You can alter your session to change the value (or you can do it through

Parse varchar2 to table (Oracle)

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-17 08:43:10
问题 Is there built-in function in Oracle DB 11g r2 that could parse varchar2 variable to table? Opposite of listagg or wm_concat . I found only Tom Kyte 's method dated 2006: with data as ( select trim(substr (txt, instr(txt, ',', 1, level) + 1 , instr(txt, ',', 1, level + 1) - instr(txt, ',', 1, level) - 1)) as token from (select ',' || :txt || ',' txt from dual) connect by level <= length(:txt) - length(replace(:txt, ',', '')) + 1 ) select * from data; I think Oracle must have simpler way. 回答1:

How can I store bytes in Oracle Varchar2, and have ASCII treated as text

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-16 09:09:11
问题 How can I have bytes stored in a Varchar2, and have it treated "normally" as text when it is ASCII for example? (Like in queries). If not possible, where is the limitation? I know the column is defined with a character sets, so if it is ANSI for example, what kind of 1-byte values can I not put there? Are there "better" solutions than ANSI for 1-byte character sets? 回答1: You have to encode bytes into text. You can use rawtohex function or utl_encode package. For displaying characters you have

Oracle varchar2 to nvarchar2 conversion

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-02 10:04:12
问题 If I change an existing column type from varchar2 to nvarchar2 in Oracle will Oracle automatically convert existing column data between character set or should I do it myself? I'm using Oracle 11g, the varchar2 character set is WE8MSWIN1252 and the nvarchar2 character set is AL16UTF16 回答1: You can use the package DBMS_REDEFINITION for doing the changing the varchar2 to nvarchar2 column for a table Please find the below link which might be helpful Using Online Table Redefinition to Migrate a

Oracle - How to handle 32K+ string length in variables

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-25 16:59:27
问题 I am using oracle 11g. Whenever I encountered strings larger than varchar2 size limit, In sql server I use to split the data into multiple variables as below and then join them while execution. However Oracle seems to be expecting 32K combined size before execution. I am getting "ORA-20000: ORU-10028: line length overflow, limit of 32767 bytes per line" error. I am using these variables in an oralce script (not stored procs). Last 2 statements are throwing the above error and individually I

Best way to compare VARCHAR2 with CHAR

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-22 08:45:08
问题 I'm searching for the best (and fastest) way to compare VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) with CHAR(12 BYTE) . There are two databases, first contains a table1 with CHAR column (underline means space characters to fill CHAR length) ID VALUE 1 123-45___ 2 123-456__ 3 123-457__ second database (table2) contains VARCHAR2 without white space. ID VALUE 4 123-45 5 123-456 6 123-457 So, I want something like this SELECT table1.ID FROM table1 WHERE table1.VALUE = '123-45' 回答1: As the table1.value column is indexed,

What is the default size of a varchar2 input to Oracle stored procedure, and can it be changed?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-19 12:28:08
问题 I have a stored procedure in Oracle Database 10g where my input is a varchar2 but I'm having issues getting it to run when the input string is long (not sure of exact length maybe > 8000). My thought is the 'intext varchar2' (as below) is by default is too small. In other cases where I need a longer string I might define a varchar2 as "intext2 VARCHAR2(32767);" I tried to define the size similarly in the code below but my syntax is incorrect. create or replace PROCEDURE TESTPROC ( intext IN