
How to convert Oracle Date format to Java? [duplicate]

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-11 15:13:23
问题 This question already has answers here : Best way to convert Java SQL Date from yyyy-MM-dd to dd MMMM yyyy format (4 answers) getYesterdayDate_yyyy_MM_dd() this method with return type java.sql.date (1 answer) Closed 10 months ago . I have an Oracle Date type stored in the db in this format 06-MAR-20 , when i mapped it to a java domain class i had a property of type java.SQL.Date but i got the data in this format 2020-03-06 How can i stick to the exact same format from whats stored in my db?

mysql json where clause

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-07 10:11:59
问题 I have a table with the below json data type column in a table PRICING_DATA pricingJson type json nullable And I am using the sql to query the table. select * from `PRICING_DATA` where `pricingJson`->"$.product.productFamily" = "Compute Instance"; The sample json data is like below { "product": { "productFamily": "Compute Instance", "attributes": { "enhancedNetworkingSupported": "Yes",..... But the query is not returning any rows. What am I doing wrong here? Json raw string from the db seems

Data type equivalents: MS Access Tables ↔ 'CREATE TABLE' Queries ↔ ODBC SQL

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-04 14:16:38
问题 What is the correct syntax when creating a table in Access with SQL? I have tried DECIMAL, DOUBLE, NUMBER, INT... nothing lets me create an integer category with limiters. Example: CREATE TABLE NONGAME ( ITEM_NUM CHAR(4) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, DESCRIPTION CHAR(30), ON_HAND NUMBER(4), <------- DOES NOT WORK! CATEGORY CHAR(3), PRICE DECIMAL(6,2), <------- DOES NOT WORK! ANYTHING DOUBLE(4,2) <------- DOES NOT WORK! ); 回答1: MICROSOFT ACCESS DATA TYPES The following table shows the Microsoft Access

Number format issue in Oracle

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-01-29 18:21:59
问题 So i have created a test table having a number column which is of the data type Number(11,8) . Now when i am trying to insert the value 13332 in the table it is throwing an oracle error saying: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column I am not sure why. The same works when i am inserting into a column with data type Number(12,6) INSERT INTO MY_TABLE(COLUMN_1) values('13332'); 回答1: The reason is - out of 11 digits you have specified 8 digits after decimal places

Mysql datatype for money

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-07-30 08:12:35
问题 i was trying to create a money related app in which users can choose their currency. Mysql datatype i tried is decimal(19,4). Now the problem is few currencies need three precisions and some need two Eg: oman rial needs three precisions. ie 1000 baisa = 1 omani rial. Hence my customers may enter 6.783 omani rial. Where as my US customers will need only 2 precisions as 100 cents = 1 dollar and they may enter 5.50. When i insert these two entries to my database using decimal(19,4), it is saved

Mysql datatype for money

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-07-30 08:12:09
问题 i was trying to create a money related app in which users can choose their currency. Mysql datatype i tried is decimal(19,4). Now the problem is few currencies need three precisions and some need two Eg: oman rial needs three precisions. ie 1000 baisa = 1 omani rial. Hence my customers may enter 6.783 omani rial. Where as my US customers will need only 2 precisions as 100 cents = 1 dollar and they may enter 5.50. When i insert these two entries to my database using decimal(19,4), it is saved

The data types nvarchar(max) encrypted with with (encryption_type = 'DETERMINISTIC' xxx) are incompatible in the equal to operator

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-06-23 14:07:36
问题 var countryCode = new SqlParameter("@countryCode", SqlDbType.VarBinary); var byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dto.Country); countryCode.Value = byteArray; var country = new SqlParameter("@country", "country"); country.Value = "country"; var rawUsers = DbContext.Users.FromSqlRaw("Select u.* from AspNetUsers u join AspNetUserClaims uc on u.Id = uc.UserId where uc.ClaimType = @country and uc.ClaimValue = @countryCode", country, countryCode) .ToList(); ERROR: [17:16:22 ERR] Error:The data types

How can sysname = null in this SQL Server system stored procedure if sysname cannot be null?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-06-13 06:09:11
问题 I read that sysname cannot be null, yet in the definition of the system procedure sp_grantdbaccess , I see the assignment of null to one of the procedure's arguments (if I read this right). How can this be? ALTER PROCEDURE [sys].[sp_grantdbaccess] @loginame sysname, @name_in_db sysname = NULL OUT 回答1: " SYSNAME cannot be NULL " is just not true. The linked question's answer is correct when it says that it's equivalent to NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL as a default -- and then effectively only in

How can sysname = null in this SQL Server system stored procedure if sysname cannot be null?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-06-13 06:04:05
问题 I read that sysname cannot be null, yet in the definition of the system procedure sp_grantdbaccess , I see the assignment of null to one of the procedure's arguments (if I read this right). How can this be? ALTER PROCEDURE [sys].[sp_grantdbaccess] @loginame sysname, @name_in_db sysname = NULL OUT 回答1: " SYSNAME cannot be NULL " is just not true. The linked question's answer is correct when it says that it's equivalent to NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL as a default -- and then effectively only in

Should I use numeric or float to avoid calculaton prolems in PostgreSQL

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-05-14 14:29:39
问题 I have encountered a topic regarding to calculation errors on Accuracy problems . I end up with the following values in one of my queries in PostgreSQL: 1.0752688172043 (when using float) 1.07526881720430110000 (when using numeric) 1) So, for these values I think I should use numeric data type in order to obtain result more accurately. Is that right? 2) What if the following values (assume that the rest digits after the last number is 0). In that case should I still use numeric rather than