
当下6大热门开源自动化测试框架 | 干货分享

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-08-12 15:27:16
如果您正在考虑构建自己的测试自动化框架,请在自荐之前,参考-下以下的六大热门自动化 测试框架。 在大多数情况下,您将会很好地考虑一个或多 个可用的开放源代码选项。这是因为一般来说, 框架是可以在团队中使用的一套最佳实践,假设,通用工具和库。很多时候,其实您并不需要 -一个开发-一个独特的测试框架。 您只需要一个框架来帮助您实现自动化测试代码: 可重复使用 可维护性 稳定 我看到一些团队通过从头开始构建自己的复杂的自动化框架,花费了大量的功夫去实现这些必 备选项。这使我疯狂,因为其实他们可以很容易地利用现有的开源工具和测试库,而不需要编 写任何代码就可以满足他们的需求,而在大多数情况下,这些工具和库都能获得更好的结果。 在陷入"构建自己的框架”陷阱之前,请务必查看这六个开源测试自动化解决方案。务必! Serenity 如果您需要一个基于Java的框架,与诸如Cucumber和JBehave之类的行为驱动的开发工具集 成在- -起,您可以将测试场景保持在高水平,同时在报告中包含较低级别的实施细节, Serenity可能是您比较好的选择。Serenity (以前称为Thucydides)是-种开源工具, 旨在使 验收测试和回归测试更容易。 -个主要的好处是, Serenity作为Selenium WebDriver和BDDI之上的包装。这使得BDD 和Selenium测试变得更简单

当下6大热门开源自动化测试框架 | 干货分享

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-07-28 08:00:50
如果您正在考虑构建自己的测试自动化框架,请在自荐之前,参考-下以下的六大热门自动化 测试框架。 在大多数情况下,您将会很好地考虑一个或多 个可用的开放源代码选项。这是因为一般来说, 框架是可以在团队中使用的一套最佳实践,假设,通用工具和库。很多时候,其实您并不需要 -一个开发-一个独特的测试框架。 您只需要一个框架来帮助您实现自动化测试代码: 可重复使用 可维护性 稳定 我看到一些团队通过从头开始构建自己的复杂的自动化框架,花费了大量的功夫去实现这些必 备选项。这使我疯狂,因为其实他们可以很容易地利用现有的开源工具和测试库,而不需要编 写任何代码就可以满足他们的需求,而在大多数情况下,这些工具和库都能获得更好的结果。 在陷入"构建自己的框架”陷阱之前,请务必查看这六个开源测试自动化解决方案。务必! Serenity 如果您需要一个基于Java的框架,与诸如Cucumber和JBehave之类的行为驱动的开发工具集 成在- -起,您可以将测试场景保持在高水平,同时在报告中包含较低级别的实施细节, Serenity可能是您比较好的选择。Serenity (以前称为Thucydides)是-种开源工具, 旨在使 验收测试和回归测试更容易。 -个主要的好处是, Serenity作为Selenium WebDriver和BDDI之上的包装。这使得BDD 和Selenium测试变得更简单

springboot AOP的@Around之后的返回值问题

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-02-27 07:27:23
1:pom.xml中添加spring-boot-starter-aop。存在一个类,其中有一个sayhi()方法: public String sayhi() { return "Testscanxml say hi"; } 2:切点(@Pointcut及切面(@Aspect)和通知(@Before/@Around) public class NamePointCut { /*** * 切点被命名为methon2,且该切点只能在本类中使用(因为切点定义的时候用的是private)(切点表达式很重要,要弄明白) * 命名切点仅仅是为了方法名及访问修饰符,所以方法体为空且返回值为void类型 */ @Pointcut(value = "execution(* sayhi(..))") protected void methon2(){ } } @Configuration //当注释掉@Configuration这句(在没有@Component前提下),所有的AOP动作都不会执行了 @Aspect @EnableAspectJAutoProxy //(proxyTargetClass = true)如果==true强制使用cglib //@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.example.javafxminademo") 有@Configuration

sahi and symfony2

你。 提交于 2019-12-31 06:25:27
问题 i would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2 so, in my config_test.yml i have mink: base_url: http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php default_session: symfony sahi: ~ and in test.feature @mink:sahi Scenario: Open page with products list and check it Given I am on "/hello" Then the response should contain "hello" when i execute i have this PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function Buzz\Client\curl_init() in C:\wamp\ www\Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2\Symfony

sahi and symfony2

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-31 06:25:02
问题 i would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2 so, in my config_test.yml i have mink: base_url: http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php default_session: symfony sahi: ~ and in test.feature @mink:sahi Scenario: Open page with products list and check it Given I am on "/hello" Then the response should contain "hello" when i execute i have this PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function Buzz\Client\curl_init() in C:\wamp\ www\Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2\Symfony

Where to click on this following object(button), for the values to be displayed in Selenium(Webdriver)?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-23 05:08:42
问题 <table id="ext-comp-1389" class="x-btn x-btn-text-icon " cellspacing="0" style="width: auto;"> <tbody class="x-btn-small x-btn-icon-small-left"> <tr> <tr> <td class="x-btn-ml"> <td class="x-btn-mc"> <em class="x-btn-split" unselectable="on"> <button id="ext-gen128" class="x-btn-text create" type="button">New</button> </em> </td> <td class="x-btn-mr"> <i> </i> </td> </tr> <tr> </tbody> </table> Above is the way, the New button is present in the HTML file... The behavior of the button is it has

I can not run sahi [duplicate]

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-13 03:36:53
问题 This question already has an answer here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: sahi and symfony2 I would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2. In my file config_test.yml I have mink: base_url: http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php default_session: symfony sahi: ~ in my test.feature when I use Scenario: Open page with products list and check it Given I am on "/hello" Then the response should contain "hello" the result is well: 1 scenario (1 passed)

How do i pass parameters from Jenkins to Ant scripts?

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-12 22:06:46
问题 For some GUI testing I'm creating a Jenkins task for each GUI module to be tested. Once created I'm using Ant to build these tests, but I'm not aware of how to actually pass parameters from Jenkins to Ant build file? Basically how do I do variable substitution in Ant? I'm using the Sahi framework to test GUI components, so the flow goes like this... Jenkins → Ant build script → Sahi file to execute Can anyone please take a look at it? 回答1: "Using ant -Dname=value lets you define values for

Configuring eclipse to consider .sah extension as .js extension

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-08 06:43:00
问题 I have imported a framework in eclipse. It contains files with .sah extension. I want eclipse to consider those .sah files as .js files (javascript files), so that editing and working on that frameworks get easier. So that I can use short cuts like F3(like pressing F3 takes us to function defnition in java project) and all.. Thanks.. 回答1: To treat .sah files as .js files, do the following: In Window > Preferences: General > Content Types select the content type Text > JavaScript Source File

sahi and symfony2

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-02 09:42:18
i would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2 so, in my config_test.yml i have mink: base_url: http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php default_session: symfony sahi: ~ and in test.feature @mink:sahi Scenario: Open page with products list and check it Given I am on "/hello" Then the response should contain "hello" when i execute i have this PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function Buzz\Client\curl_init() in C:\wamp\ www\Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2\Symfony\vendor\buzz\lib\Buzz\Client\AbstractCurl.p hp on line 26 help me please, It seems that you do not have