
PouchDB/CouchDB like alternative for MongoDB

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-02-07 07:19:48
问题 I'm amazed by the sync capabilities of Pouch and Couch DB, but I'm looking for for an alternative that will let me use my MongoDB databases for client-sync. Is there such thing? If there is, I'd like to hear your experience with it, what should I be aware of, if there are any catches, etc... 回答1: Minimongo is specifically what you are looking for. It was originally developed as part of the excellent Meteor framework, but it can now be used independently to get the local db store and

Pouch DB Fast Search

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-01-29 13:51:00
问题 I want to search in my pouch database in a fast way. The query I have below is very slow even for a small dataset of 1000 items and index on field. I am guessing it is because I am using a regular expressions. I even tried to do the regex as "^"+search (just search the start) and it takes awhile (10 seconds) What is the best way to do an OR search on the fields below? Here is code: db_items.find({ selector: {name: {$regex: RegExp("^"+search, "i")}}, fields: ['_id', 'name','unit_price',

Returning data from a PouchDB query

无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-28 08:09:59
问题 I'm having a problem returning data from a PouchDB query. I'm trying to build a function that, when called, returns specific data from a PouchDB. Here is my code: function getUserFullName() { var db = "userInfo"; var pouch = new PouchDB(db); pouch.get("token").then(function (result) { console.log(result-user_real_name); return result.user_real_name; }).catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); } So what happens is that the function returns an undefined. Does anyone have a clue as to

How to write a view in CouchDB to represent “not in” or “group by having count(*) = 1”?

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-06-29 04:04:34
问题 Using relational db as an example, given two tables like below, where when rows in tableA and tableB have the same values, they represent the same "thing" but in different "state". So for ID=1, this thing has gone through stage1 and 2. But for ID=2, this thing has only gone through stage1. tableA (Id, columnA, columnB) 1, "a", "b" 2, "x", "y" 3, "z", "a" tableB (Id, columnA, columnB) 1, "e", "f" I want to find all the rows from tableA that don't exist in tableB . select a.* from tableA a left

How to write a view in CouchDB to represent “not in” or “group by having count(*) = 1”?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-06-29 04:04:20
问题 Using relational db as an example, given two tables like below, where when rows in tableA and tableB have the same values, they represent the same "thing" but in different "state". So for ID=1, this thing has gone through stage1 and 2. But for ID=2, this thing has only gone through stage1. tableA (Id, columnA, columnB) 1, "a", "b" 2, "x", "y" 3, "z", "a" tableB (Id, columnA, columnB) 1, "e", "f" I want to find all the rows from tableA that don't exist in tableB . select a.* from tableA a left

PouchDB and Cookie Authentication with CouchDB not actually logging in the user

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-06-13 00:12:25
问题 I have a node app that uses CouchDB for the database and PouchDB on the client. To log in, a request is sent to the node server, which authenticates the user's credentials with the CouchDB instance, before sending a cookie back to the client. The issue is, after restarting the browser and logging in, CouchDB sends a 401 Unauthorized response when Pouch tries to connect to the DB, and the browser brings up its default login popup. This happens even though the AuthSession cookie is in the

PouchDB and Cookie Authentication with CouchDB not actually logging in the user

若如初见. 提交于 2020-06-13 00:08:45
问题 I have a node app that uses CouchDB for the database and PouchDB on the client. To log in, a request is sent to the node server, which authenticates the user's credentials with the CouchDB instance, before sending a cookie back to the client. The issue is, after restarting the browser and logging in, CouchDB sends a 401 Unauthorized response when Pouch tries to connect to the DB, and the browser brings up its default login popup. This happens even though the AuthSession cookie is in the

Doesn't add records into PouchDB when used same function over again

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-03-03 08:10:31
问题 I'm trying to create a database with "users" and their data in it. Strangely it doesn't put() new variables in it when I try to for the third time. To do all this I create a local database dblocal and replicate this DB to the remote db called dbremote . At first I create a document with one variable. function newuser() { if (window.document.consent_form.consent_to_share.value) { var id = "p" + Date.now() + "-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); var dblocal = new PouchDB(id); var

Doesn't add records into PouchDB when used same function over again

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-03-03 08:09:26
问题 I'm trying to create a database with "users" and their data in it. Strangely it doesn't put() new variables in it when I try to for the third time. To do all this I create a local database dblocal and replicate this DB to the remote db called dbremote . At first I create a document with one variable. function newuser() { if (window.document.consent_form.consent_to_share.value) { var id = "p" + Date.now() + "-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); var dblocal = new PouchDB(id); var

Pouchdb document id complex key

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-02-01 08:40:53
问题 I know views can be built using complex keys (an array basically). But, do normal documents also support that? I want to avoid views as performance on phones can be very slow with many many docs. So I'm using the "Use and abuse your keys" approach. So that is why I would need complex keys so I can use startkey and endkey on those. 回答1: Yep, it's totally possible. Read this blog post, skip to "use and abuse your doc ids." Basically what you do is use the PouchDB Collate plugin to serialize