
How to display MediaController below the Navigation drawer

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-01-28 02:43:44
问题 I am having a display issue where the mediaController is floating on top of the navigation drawer (see image), when I click the navDrawer while the controller is visible. I like to display the mediaController below the navDrawer instead. according to the api, that should be the correct behavior The way to use this class is to instantiate it programmatically. The MediaController will create a default set of controls and put them in a window floating above your application . Specifically, the

How to display MediaController below the Navigation drawer

一世执手 提交于 2021-01-27 23:18:27
问题 I am having a display issue where the mediaController is floating on top of the navigation drawer (see image), when I click the navDrawer while the controller is visible. I like to display the mediaController below the navDrawer instead. according to the api, that should be the correct behavior The way to use this class is to instantiate it programmatically. The MediaController will create a default set of controls and put them in a window floating above your application . Specifically, the

How to display MediaController below the Navigation drawer

心已入冬 提交于 2021-01-27 21:47:42
问题 I am having a display issue where the mediaController is floating on top of the navigation drawer (see image), when I click the navDrawer while the controller is visible. I like to display the mediaController below the navDrawer instead. according to the api, that should be the correct behavior The way to use this class is to instantiate it programmatically. The MediaController will create a default set of controls and put them in a window floating above your application . Specifically, the

Android MediaController End Of song

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-02-08 04:02:18
问题 I have a play service that is playing audio in background task. I am letting MediaController control the playback of the audio in a "player window" which handles the playback UI. All works fine except then the song gets to the end. The player does not "reset" as I would like it to. I want the progress bar to return to 0 and the pause/play button to revert back to play. I can get the progress bar to return to 0 with a call to mediaPlayer.seekTo(0); How do I get the MediaController to reset the

ExoPlayer and start / pause / seekTo commands

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-28 18:12:30
问题 I am trying to use ExoPlayer , as opposed to MediaPlayer and I can't seem to figure it out... MediaPlayer has .start() / .pause() commands... and I can just seekTo(1287) and it automatically starts playing... How do I do this with ExoPlayer ? I have tried to do seekTo(1287) but it doesn't start playing after... I have also added .setPlayWhenReady(true) after that, and still no luck... I am able to .stop() ... but I can't get it to start playing again after that unless I .prepare() again...

Video loop autoplay won't work on Chrome/safari (webkit bug)

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-06 01:21:48
问题 Hi guys I am trying to have my video autoplay and loop in a slider but some how it's not playing on chrome and safari. I find out webkit browsers have a bug that stops the video autoplay function when it's restyled... Here's the video and the page. (works on firefox) I think you have to re-trigger the .play() Not sure what I did wrong. New to javascript... Here's the code below. JS var myVideo = document.querySelector('video'); var mediaController =

Video loop autoplay won't work on Chrome/safari (webkit bug)

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-06 01:20:34
问题 Hi guys I am trying to have my video autoplay and loop in a slider but some how it's not playing on chrome and safari. I find out webkit browsers have a bug that stops the video autoplay function when it's restyled... Here's the video and the page. (works on firefox) I think you have to re-trigger the .play() Not sure what I did wrong. New to javascript... Here's the code below. JS var myVideo = document.querySelector('video'); var mediaController =

android mediaplayer mediacontroller timeout

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-04 02:47:05
问题 Ive implemented a mediaplayer and mediacontroller that streams a mp3 url. However my device on the TMobile network doesnt get a great 3G signal so it operates on EDGE. Im assuming that the mediaplayer is crashing because the stream is too slow or incomplete, is there a timeout I can set? 回答1: There is no timeout method in MediaPlayer, but you can implement it yourself - there are variety of ways you can do that. I suggest one of them, that I used myself and it worked for me -

Android VideoView Playback Controls Show “Play” Initially Instead of “Pause” Even Though File is Already Playing

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-03 09:44:14
问题 Good afternoon/morning! Hoping someone could help me out with a small problem I'm having. I'm playing a remote .mp3 file using a VideoView and a custom MediaController . My MediaController looks like this: public class MyMediaController extends MediaController { public MyMediaController(Context context) { super(context); } // Do nothing on the overridden hide method so the playback controls will never go away. @Override public void hide() { } // Override the dispatchKeyEvent function to

Back button won't work when VideoView is playing video

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-31 00:59:07
问题 I have a VideoView in one of my Activities and if I try to press the back Button it doesn't take me to the previous Activity and it doesn't give any error messages in the log cat either. I have tried overriding the onBackPressed() method and I have tried calling the prev Activity using an Intent , but even then the back Button didn't do anything. This problem only occurs when the video is playing and even after it is finished playing. The only time the back Button works is before the video