
How to stub a method call with an implicit matcher in Mockito and Scala

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-20 05:52:51
问题 My application code uses AService trait AService { def registerNewUser (username: String)(implicit tenant: Tenant): Future[Response] } to register a new user. Class Tenant is a simple case class: case class Tenant(val vstNumber:String, val divisionNumber:String) Trait AServiceMock mimics the registration logic by using a mocked version of AService trait AServiceMock { def registrationService = { val service = mock[AService] service.registerNewUser(anyString) returns Future(fixedResponse)

How to stub a method call with an implicit matcher in Mockito and Scala

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-02-20 05:52:03
问题 My application code uses AService trait AService { def registerNewUser (username: String)(implicit tenant: Tenant): Future[Response] } to register a new user. Class Tenant is a simple case class: case class Tenant(val vstNumber:String, val divisionNumber:String) Trait AServiceMock mimics the registration logic by using a mocked version of AService trait AServiceMock { def registrationService = { val service = mock[AService] service.registerNewUser(anyString) returns Future(fixedResponse)

How to get a Jest custom matcher working in typescript?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-07 11:49:19
问题 I regularly have unit tests where I need to compare two moment objects. I'd us moment's built-in function moment.isSame(moment) to compare them. However, this means my assertion will look like this: expect(moment1.isSame(moment2)).toBeTrue(); I didn't quite like this, especially because the failure message will be less informative. Hence, I wanted to write a custom jest matcher "toBeSameMoment". The following code seems to compile at least: import moment from "moment"; declare global {

How to get a Jest custom matcher working in typescript?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-07 11:48:43
问题 I regularly have unit tests where I need to compare two moment objects. I'd us moment's built-in function moment.isSame(moment) to compare them. However, this means my assertion will look like this: expect(moment1.isSame(moment2)).toBeTrue(); I didn't quite like this, especially because the failure message will be less informative. Hence, I wanted to write a custom jest matcher "toBeSameMoment". The following code seems to compile at least: import moment from "moment"; declare global {

Why android espresso test fails when checking whether textView text ends with expected string (when ellipsized)

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-06-23 12:52:08
问题 I have an android test checking that external text message is truncated and ends with three dots when applying android:ellipsize="end". I do not know why test fails despite text presented in a activity is properly formatted. @Test fun when_errorMessage_is_very_long_then_text_of_errorMessageTextView_ends_with_dots() { //given val errorMessage = """ Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long

Why android espresso test fails when checking whether textView text ends with expected string (when ellipsized)

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-06-23 12:50:43
问题 I have an android test checking that external text message is truncated and ends with three dots when applying android:ellipsize="end". I do not know why test fails despite text presented in a activity is properly formatted. @Test fun when_errorMessage_is_very_long_then_text_of_errorMessageTextView_ends_with_dots() { //given val errorMessage = """ Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long

Why android espresso test fails when checking whether textView text ends with expected string (when ellipsized)

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-06-23 12:49:14
问题 I have an android test checking that external text message is truncated and ends with three dots when applying android:ellipsize="end". I do not know why test fails despite text presented in a activity is properly formatted. @Test fun when_errorMessage_is_very_long_then_text_of_errorMessageTextView_ends_with_dots() { //given val errorMessage = """ Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long error, Very long

AST matcher on a specific node

邮差的信 提交于 2020-03-04 05:03:22
问题 I wrote a AST matcher for finding specific type statements. In the matched nodes I calculated the neighbor siblings of that node. Now I need to run matcher on the neighbor nodes to verify they satisfies my condition or not. The clang AST matcher matches the whole tree node one by one. I want to run matcher against a particular node and return true if the node matches my required condition. Is this possible? 回答1: I suggest to implement your own matcher that will encapsulate the logic of