
MFC界面开发工具,BCGControlBar v30.4详解——Ribbon Bar控件

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-08-13 18:36:47
亲爱的BCGSoft用户,我们非常高兴地宣布 BCGControlBar Professional for MFC 和 BCGSuite for MFC v30.4正式发布!此版本包含适用于Visual Studio 2017-2019的新应用程序向导,Ribbon后台视图位于底部项目、新的图表类型Polar Bar、改进的甘特图以及其他新的功能和改进。需要最新版的可以点击这里【 BCG下载 】 v30.4引入了适用于Visual Studio 2017和Visual Studio 2019的新应用程序向导,该向导极大地简化了基于BCGControlBar的新应用程序的创建,您可以在几秒内创建Visual Studio、Office或类似Explorer的应用程序。如果出于某种原因您更喜欢使用经典(基于HTML)的应用程序向导,则可以在Integration Wizard设置中指定此选项。 Ribbon Bar 1. BCGPBaseRibbonElement:新方法IsOnActiveFrame告知ribbon控件是否位于活动(聚焦)的框架上。 2. CBCGPBaseRibbonElement:新方法IsOnZoomedFrame告诉ribbon控件是否位于最大化(缩放)帧上。 3. CBCGPRibbonSlider:添加对"Zoom In" ("+") / "Zoom


柔情痞子 提交于 2020-08-10 17:00:56
1. 在资源视图中增加EditBox, Button控件,ID分别为ID_EDIT_SEED, ID_BTN_SEED 2. 在CMainFrame中增加成员变量 CMFCToolBarEditBoxButton *m_editSeed; CMFCToolBarButton *m_btnSeed; 3. 在CMainFrame::OnCreate中创建控件 m_editSeed = new CMFCToolBarEditBoxButton(ID_EDIT_SEED, GetCmdMgr()->GetCmdImage(ID_EDIT_SEED, FALSE)); m_editSeed->EnableWindow(true); m_editSeed->SetContents("0"); //m_editSeed->CanBeStretched(); //m_editSeed->HaveHotBorder(); //m_editSeed->SetFlatMode(); //m_editSeed->OnSize(65); m_btnSeed = new CMFCToolBarButton(ID_BTN_SEED, GetCmdMgr()->GetCmdImage(ID_BTN_SEED, FALSE), "SEED"); m_btnSeed->EnableWindow(true); m

Textwatcher doesn't recognize space

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-01-16 00:43:24
问题 I am trying to filter a gridview and for that I am entering the data in an editbox. It works great except that when I insert a space character in editbox it somehow doesn't recognize it and the result set comes empty. Please help Here is my editbox listener: search.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher(){ @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable arg0) {} @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {} @Override public void onTextChanged

Only specific numbers in edit box

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-29 09:58:10
问题 I would like that user could write only numbers from 1 to 49 in edit box. I know how to exclude letters and has possibility to put only numbers but I can't limit it to specific numbers (e.g from 1 to 49 - like in lottery game). I added KeyDown event to edit box and put this code: if not (KeyChar in ['1'..'9']) then begin ShowMessage('Invalid character'); KeyChar := #0; end; How can I modify it? 回答1: Following David's advice, a pattern I often use looks something like this : function

How would you open a Dialog when an edit box is selected? MFC 2005

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-25 04:31:31
问题 I would like to be able to create an onscreen keyboard to popup whenever an edit field is selected. I am using MFC Visual studio 2005 (C++ based). Below is my code so far: void CTestHarnessDlg::OnEnChangeEdit3() { CKeyboard Dlg; Dlg.DoModal(); } When I run the Dialog box and click on the selected field, it does not open an onscreen keyboard until I press a key on the keyboard. Is there a way to open the keyboard without putting anything into the text field? I've been looking at ON_EN_SETFOCUS

Delphi: How to know when a TEdit changes size?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-21 20:43:39
问题 i need to update items around an edit box when it changes size. TEdit has no OnResize event. An edit box can resize at various times, e.g.: changing width/height in code form scaled for DPI scaling font changed And i'm sure others i don't know about. i need a single event to know when an edit box has changed its size. Is there a Windows message i can subclass the edit box for and grab? 回答1: OnResize is declared as a protected property of TControl. You could expose it using a so-called

change the look of Edit Text box in android

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-17 15:58:18
问题 I want to change the way the edit text view looks like... I have found a few answers but they somehow don't solve my purpose... Please kindly provide solutions. 回答1: Try . You can do something like this to make a rounded edit box: Make styyles.xml in values folder. <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/> <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#E7E7E7" android:height="10dp"/> <corners android:radius="5dp"/> You can then use it in xml like : <EditBox style="@style/Edit_box_background" other

Dynamically bind an Edit Box in a custom control to a managed bean

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-12 08:13:36
问题 I've read a number of excellent posts and articles about dynamically binding fields in a custom control, but they have all assumed a document data source. I want to allow the possibility of a managed bean data source. I tried setting the property type to com.ibm.xsp.model.DataSource or com.ibm.xsp.extlib.model.ObjectDataSource and neither of those work with the following xml: <xp:inputText id="input" value="${compositeData.dsn[compositeData.fieldName]}" > </xp:inputText> Where the control is

Delphi: How to know when a TEdit changes size?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-04 12:28:40
i need to update items around an edit box when it changes size. TEdit has no OnResize event. An edit box can resize at various times, e.g.: changing width/height in code form scaled for DPI scaling font changed And i'm sure others i don't know about. i need a single event to know when an edit box has changed its size. Is there a Windows message i can subclass the edit box for and grab? OnResize is declared as a protected property of TControl. You could expose it using a so-called "cracker" class. It's a bit of a hack, though. type TControlCracker = class(TControl); ... procedure TForm1

Dynamically bind an Edit Box in a custom control to a managed bean

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-03 17:00:15
I've read a number of excellent posts and articles about dynamically binding fields in a custom control, but they have all assumed a document data source. I want to allow the possibility of a managed bean data source. I tried setting the property type to com.ibm.xsp.model.DataSource or com.ibm.xsp.extlib.model.ObjectDataSource and neither of those work with the following xml: <xp:inputText id="input" value="${compositeData.dsn[compositeData.fieldName]}" > </xp:inputText> Where the control is used I have passed in custom data like so: <xc:input dsn="#{issue}" fieldName="Database" > </xc:input>