
host public node js website on amazon AWS LightSail without Bitnami

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-11 17:00:28
问题 I have an amazon AWS LightSail instance and have installed Node js downloaded from Now the setup is complete and I am able to launch my nodejs webpage inside LightSail instance using "http://localhost but when I try to do it using the lightsail public IP from any other laptop, it not getting accessible (getting web error as "This site can’t be reached"). I have set the node js to listen to port 80 which is open by default. A lot of materials shows that bitnami as a way to do it

Google Cloud PHP my admin is not getting connected with ssh

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-11 12:30:25
问题 I've been trying connecting my PHP my admin via ssh Client tool putty, but my URL gets redirected to my website URL from to which throws me the following error For security reasons, this URL is only accessible using localhost ( as the hostname. 回答1: This is a built-in security feature. In order to access your server using SSH using Putty, you must create an SSH tunnel to route your request. I found this guide that explains in

Bitnami. reset mysql root pwd

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-02-10 09:40:13
问题 How do I reset the root pwd and account in MySQL as I was following instructions how to grant priveledges for other servers and accidently tied root user (Mysql) to other ip address and now it seems that I can not log in as admin on localhost? Thanks 回答1: You have 3 ways to reset rootpass in mysql: 1 - launch the following command: sudo service mysql reset-password 2 - You can also try: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-x.x` 3 - The third solution is a bit longer but worked for me: `sudo

Modified Bncert command has taken site offline

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-08 11:37:00
问题 I have made a silly mistake; So I have a LightSail instance to run my Wordpress Bitnami website. I had recently got the domain working but decided that I wanted to generate an SLL certificate so decided to run the bncert-tool function in the console. I kept getting an error message saying that the '' and '' DNS public IP addresses were different. After not being able to fix this issue I ran (rather stupidly) the following command to skip the DNS record check: sudo

Modified Bncert command has taken site offline

不问归期 提交于 2021-02-08 11:35:56
问题 I have made a silly mistake; So I have a LightSail instance to run my Wordpress Bitnami website. I had recently got the domain working but decided that I wanted to generate an SLL certificate so decided to run the bncert-tool function in the console. I kept getting an error message saying that the '' and '' DNS public IP addresses were different. After not being able to fix this issue I ran (rather stupidly) the following command to skip the DNS record check: sudo

Can't connect to Postgres database with Bitnami Django stack

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-07 04:32:05
问题 I keep running into the problem of not being able to connect to the database: psycopg2.OperationalError: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket “/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432”? I did some reading and it seems like it’s a quite common problem that most people fix by checking that the port is correct, ie from changing 5432 to 5433 in their But this does not seem to be my problem – in the /opt/bitnami

CentOS 安装lamp和phpmyadmin

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-06 10:29:26
建立自启动脚本: 从网站下载安装包: chmod 755 ./ 修改mysql绑定的127.0.0.1。 cd /opt/lampstack/mysql vi my.cnf 注释bind-address = [mysqladmin] user=root [mysqld] basedir=/opt/lampstack/mysql datadir="/opt/lampstack/mysql/data" port=3306 socket=/opt/lampstack/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock tmpdir=/opt/lampstack/mysql/tmp max_allowed_packet=32M #bind-address= skip-name-resolve=1 character-set-server=UTF8 collation-server=utf8_general_ci [client] port=3306 socket=/opt/lampstack/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock default-character

redmine 设置 markdown 格式文本后打开html标签,以便开启显示红色字体等功能

萝らか妹 提交于 2021-02-04 16:32:28
P:\Bitnami\redmine-4.1.1-7\apps\redmine\htdocs\lib\redmine\wiki_formatting\markdown\formatter.rb :filter_html => true, 改为: :filter_html => false, <p style="color:RED;font-size=40pt;background=green"> red TITLE 1</p> <font color="red"> red text </font> <font face="黑体">我是黑体字</font> <font face="微软雅黑">我是微软雅黑</font> <font face="STCAIYUN">我是华文彩云</font> <font color=#0099ff size=7 face="黑体">color=#0099ff size=72 face="黑体"</font> <font color=#00ffff size=72>color=#00ffff</font> <font color=gray size=72>color=gray</font> 来源: oschina 链接:

How to restore Apache configuration file in Bitnami

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-01-29 15:38:33
问题 When running the bncert-tool on my LightSail server, I have accidentally modified some of Apache's configuration files which I now need to revert from the backup directories. See previous question and answer here for more info: Modified Bncert command has taken site offline I have looked in both the /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf and /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami directories and can see a series of files including httpd.conf.back.202101220056 (/conf) and bitnami.conf.back.202101220056 (


ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-09 11:13:36
前端一说起刀耕火种,那肯定紧随着前端工程化这一话题。随着 react / vue / angular , es6+ , webpack , babel , typescript 以及 node 的发展,前端已经在逐渐替代过去 script 引 cdn 开发的方式了,掀起了工程化这一大浪潮。得益于工程化的发展与开源社区的良好生态,前端应用的可用性与效率得到了很大提高。 前端以前是刀耕火种,那前端应用部署在以前也是刀耕火种。那前端应用部署的发展得益于什么,随前端工程化带来的副产品? 这只是一部分,而更重要的原因是 devops 的崛起。 为了更清晰地理解前端部署的发展史,了解部署时运维和前端(或者更广泛地说,业务开发人员)的职责划分,当每次前端部署发生改变时,可以思考两个问题 缓存,前端应用中http 的 response header 由谁来配?得益于工程化发展,可以对打包后得到带有 hash 值的文件可以做永久缓存 跨域, /api 的代理配置由谁来配?在开发环境前端可以开个小服务,启用 webpack-dev-server 配置跨域,那生产环境呢 这两个问题都是前端面试时的高频问题,但话语权是否掌握在前端手里 时间来到 React 刚刚发展起来的这一年,这时已经使用 React 开发应用,使用 webpack 来打包。但是前端部署,仍是刀耕火种 刀耕火种 一台跳板机