
How to install aparapi

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-13 03:49:11
问题 I have been looking to a way to develop openCL in Java. I found aparapi interesting as it focusses on parallelization but creates openCL code as well. As I understand it the code will run with or without a GPU but still run parallized. My trouble is: where can I find documentation on how to install what? The AMD site was often pointed at, but it contains no information about aparapi, I wondered as well whether their code will work on Nvidia cards. The links to Google code is obsolete and the

jMonkey optimization similar to Java3D's

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-20 09:48:02
问题 Edit: For having real-time drawing, started using lwjgl which is base of jmonkeyengine and jocl in an "interoperability" between opengl and opencl, now can calculate and draw 100k particles real-time. Maybe mantle version of jmonkey engine can cure this drawcall overhead problem. For several days, I have been learning jMonkey engine(ver:3.0) in Eclipse(java 64 bit) and trying how to optimize a scene with using GeometryBatchFactory.optimize(rootNode); command. Without optimization(with

How to install aparapi

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-04 11:59:04
I have been looking to a way to develop openCL in Java. I found aparapi interesting as it focusses on parallelization but creates openCL code as well. As I understand it the code will run with or without a GPU but still run parallized. My trouble is: where can I find documentation on how to install what? The AMD site was often pointed at, but it contains no information about aparapi, I wondered as well whether their code will work on Nvidia cards. The links to Google code is obsolete and the Github site is neither very helpful. A pointer to some more documentation is very much appreciated. As

jMonkey optimization similar to Java3D's

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-02 20:11:00
Edit: For having real-time drawing, started using lwjgl which is base of jmonkeyengine and jocl in an "interoperability" between opengl and opencl, now can calculate and draw 100k particles real-time. Maybe mantle version of jmonkey engine can cure this drawcall overhead problem. For several days, I have been learning jMonkey engine(ver:3.0) in Eclipse(java 64 bit) and trying how to optimize a scene with using GeometryBatchFactory.optimize(rootNode); command. Without optimization(with capability of changing spheres positions): Okay, only 1-fps is originated from both pci-express bandwidth+jvm