ExecuteStoreQuery passing parameter to SQL statement

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-23 01:36:15


Could someone help with passing a parameter object into my ExecuteStoreQuery. I'm executing this from my Entities db and then creating my procedure on the fly is this possible and is my SQL correct. I need to pass a Id parameter value into my SQL statement

var node = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<Node>(@"
    @Id int // not sure about this declaration for parameter    

    with c as (
        select Id, Name, ParentId,[0] as level
        from Department d
    union all
        select d.Id, d.Name, d.ParentId, [level] + 1
        from Department d
        join c on d.ParentId = c.Id)
    select * from c where c.Id = @Id"                                                         
new object{ Id: department.Id} // <--parameter object not working);               


According to the MSDN documentation, your statement needs to read more like:

var node = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<Node>(@"
    with c as (
        select Id, Name, ParentId,[0] as level
        from Department d
    union all
        select d.Id, d.Name, d.ParentId, [level] + 1
        from Department d
        join c on d.ParentId = c.Id)
    select * from c where c.Id = @Id"                                                         
new SqlParameter{ ParameterName = "id", Value = department.Id});

