Deploying a .Net 4.5 website to an IIS 7.5 server

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-18 12:29:26


We are using Teamcity to do continuous integration builds for our website and have just upgraded our website to .Net 4.5RC. The application builds and runs in IIS express on my box and builds on our build server that I have installed .NEt 4.5RC on. But when we deploy it to the server that has had .Net 4.5RC installed on it we get the following error.

The application pool that you are trying to use has the 'managedRuntimeVersion' property set to 'v4.0'. This application requires 'v4.5'.

What can I do to fix this problem. I have tried setting the application pool on the server to 4.5, but can't. See this SO post.


I had a similar problem. I was building my application by calling MSBuild, and I found that when I tried to web-deploy the application I got that error. I fixed it by telling MSBuild to build with VS2012, by adding a commandline switch to the MSBuild command:


Tip o' the hat to this question.


It turns out that it is a TeamCity problem. When we push the update directly to the site from Visual Studio 2012 RC it works fine. We have had to change the build runner in TeamCity to a command line runner that calls the WebDeploy 3.0 of VS 2012.



says: "double click on application pool and then changed .Net Framework Version"


I was facing the same issue even after using /P:VisualStudioVersion=11.0 as well as ignore managedruntime version in the proj file.

Run the command

C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>appcmd set apppool / DefaultAppPool /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.5 

After this, reset the ISS.


OK - fair enough. You need to use IIS 7.5, you need to target .Net 4.5 ... and they should be mutually compatible.

Check out this link; look for "Aspnet_regiis.exe":

'Hope that helps .. PSM


These links may (or may not) also be useful:




Please post back what you find.

