Why Integer.parseInt of a String representing a number throws java.lang.NumberFormatException in J2ME?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-02 14:08:23


I want to sum the values of four columns of a recordstore. The values in these four columns are numbers with the decimal point , for example 30.00; the recordstore row is a csv-like data with which I use a userdefined function to get the value of a particular column: so I get a String for the four columns , for example "30.00". Now I want to sum these four values ; so I must convert them into int ! But when I attempt to use Integer.parseInt then the java.lang.NumberFormatException is raised ! So how to make the sum in this situation ?


Even though 30.00 seems like an integer to you, Java thinks it looks like a floating point value (due to the decimal point).

You therefore need to parse it as a double, and then get the integer part.

int i = Double.parseDouble("30.00").intValue();

(Not J2ME specific by the way.)


If your numbers contain decimal points, you need to parse as a double.


From there you can use Math methods or just truncate to get your Integer.


Just as another alternative, you could also use Integer.parseInt("30.00".split("\\.")[0])
This would remove dependency on decimal separator (if you always have a dot in string, but you have no control on locale it will be parsed on.

