Null check in Java 8 Elvis operator?

早过忘川 提交于 2019-11-28 03:08:45


Question: Is there an implementation of the Elvis operator scheduled for any future Java release? Or is there any Library that brings it to Java?

I have read that

it was proposed for Java SE 7 but didn't make it into that release

I know Java 8 allows this

String name = computer.flatMap(Computer::getSoundcard)

but I it's s bit too much for my taste. SO if anyone could point me out any project / library that would bring the Groovy like/C# like syntax to Java for Null Checks, would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: By Elvis operator I mean this:

String version = computer?.getSoundcard()?.getUSB()?.getVersion();

or similar


No. There are no current or future plans to reconsider the null-safe operators in Java.

