Can you import data like page view counts to google analytics using data imports?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-01 13:37:53

Alex, I am afraid you can't do that.

Dimension widening works "on-the-fly", meaning if you have for example author ID as one of the URL parameters, you can tell GA to replace that ID with author name from pre-uploaded value list. But you cannot do that historically.

What you can do is to extract the data with API and then do some log-parsing to get the numbers you need. The basic ones like pageviews, visits, visitors etc. shouldn't be much of an issue.

But unfortunately there is no way you can re-upload the data historically and have all campaign-related information available. Looking at the Data Collection section, if you go to Measurement Protocol which is behind everything Google Analytics collects, it says:

The Measurement Protocol only allows developers to collect user-interaction (event / hit) data. It does not allow developers to upload aggregated data like tables.

Also, if you review the possible parameters - there is no date/time available, so I am pretty sure you cannot technically upload historical data.
