Is there a way to override CKEditor's config file for each instance of the editor?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-10 02:41:53


I have a global size and height set

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
  config.height = '400px';
  config.width = '600px';

And I would like to change this height and width for only one instance of the editor on a seperate page. Has anyone else accomplished this?


Yes. When you create the editor on the page, you can override

CKEDITOR.replace(editorName, {
            height: 448,
            width: 448,
            customConfig: '/path/to/yourconfig.js'

In fact as a performance recommendation you can put all the configuration options here and save the loading of the config file separately. You might do this in a shared JavaScript file of your own, parametrized to override specific values for a page.

UPDATE in response to comment

A separate config file can be used like any other setting (look above with customConfig. If you don't want any custom configs loaded use

customConfig: ''


You can resize editor on instanceReady event:

CKEDITOR.on 'instanceReady', (evt) ->

setCustomHeight = (editor) ->
  height = $(editor.element.$).attr('height')
  return unless height

  editor.resize('100%', height)

Now you have to specify height attribute on the textarea for which you want to have custom height:

<textarea id="my-editor" height="250"></textrarea>

