List Comprehensions in Python to compute minimum and maximum values of a list

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-20 06:25:26


i have the following code to compute minimum and maximum values of a list in order to save memory efficiency

x_min = float('+inf')
x_max = float('-inf')

for p in points_in_list:
    x_min = min(x_min, p)
    x_max = max(x_max, p)

where points_in_list is a (large) list of numbers. I wish to know if there is a method to compute with a List Comprehensions the min and max value and saving the memory.


I'm a big fan of generators and comprehensions, but in this case it seems they are not the right way to go, because:

  1. You want to compute the min and the max of the list
  2. Your list is huge

If you wanted to calculate only one of the min or max, you could just use the min/max function on it. But since you want both, you would have to loop over the list twice to extract first the min and then the max. I.e. something like this:

x_min = min(points)
x_max = max(points)

Let's play with some some timings. First calling both min and max on the list:

>>> import timeit
>>> def with_gens(l):
...     return min(l), max(l)
>>> timeit.timeit('with_gens(range(6000000))', 'from __main__ import with_gens', number=5)

and now looping only once, using you code:

>>> def with_loop2(l):
...     x_max = float('+inf')
...     x_min = float('-inf')
...     for el in l:
...         x_min = min(x_min, el)
...         x_max = max(x_max, el)
...     return x_min, x_max
>>> timeit.timeit('with_loop2(range(6000000))', 'from __main__ import with_loop2', number=5)

Crazy, huh?

There is no memory problem at all with this approach. However, it sets the x_max and x_min in each loop, which is actually an unnecessary waste: you only want to reset the variable when you have found a bigger/smaller value. We can easily address this.

So... let's try looping only once, but avoiding unnecessary resettings.

>>> def with_loop(l):
...     x_min = float('-inf')
...     x_max = float('+inf')
...     for el in l:
...         if el < x_min:
...             x_min = el
...         elif el > x_max:
...             x_max = el
...     return x_min, x_max
>>> timeit.timeit('with_loop(range(6000000))', 'from __main__ import with_loop', number=5)


It seems while the algorithm of looping only once is on the paper more efficient, it is beaten by the inner optimization of min and max. Moreover, the difference between setting the var in each loop and only when necessary is huge. You never stop learning.


Suppose a point has two attributes, x and y, then you can use

x_min = min(p['x'] for p in points_in_list) to calculate the min of x

An example:

>>> a = {'x': 10, 'y':10}
>>> b = {'x': 5, 'y':20}
>>> c = {'x': 50, 'y':50}
>>> points_in_list = [a,b,c]
>>> points_in_list
[{'y': 10, 'x': 10}, {'y': 20, 'x': 5}, {'y': 50, 'x': 50}]
>>> x_min = min(p['x'] for p in points_in_list)
>>> x_min

