Azure DevOps Wiki for multiple projects

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-08 05:29:53


I have newly started exploring capabilities of Azure DevOps Wiki. I have multiple projects in Azure DevOps. I want to create one separate project to store Business & Technical documentation for all my projects in a centralize place. How can I add multiple Wiki pages to keep this organize.

Second question is I have a predefined structure for the documentation. For eg. Purpose Of Application, Local Build Steps, Deployment Steps, Third Party Control used, etc. How can I create & store this as a template so that whenever a new project documentation is to be created this document can be used as a placeholder to be followed by everyone.


How can I add multiple Wiki pages to keep this organize.

In Azure Devops, Wiki is similar to another kind of Repo. You could Clone Wiki to the target project and Publish the code as wiki.

Here are the steps:

  1. Use the Clone wiki option to get the URL from other projects.

2.Navigate to the target project -> Repos. Use the import repositoryoption to import the wiki to the Repo.

  1. Use the Publish Code as wiki option to publish the repo as wiki page.

Here is a doc about clone wiki.

How can I create & store this as a template?

Azure Devops doesn't support creating wiki templates now.

Here is a suggestion ticket about this feature. You could vote and add comments in this ticket.

Hope this helps.

