Can I use hashcode of class member for class?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-02-05 03:59:10


I have class with final String as unique ID. Of course I want to override equals so comparison is based on ID only. Is it correct practice then to just return hash code of ID, like below?

class ItemSpec{
    final String name;


    public boolean equals(Object o){
        if(o != null && o instanceof ItemSpec){
            return name.equalsIgnoreCase(((ItemSpec)o).name);
        } else{
            return false;

    public int hashCode(){
         if(name == null){
             return 0;
         } else{
             return name.hashCode();


Not if your equals is case insensitive. You could have two ItemSpec coming out as equal but with different hash codes. That breaks the most crucial requirement of a hash code.

Your equals has to agree with your hashCode. So if you are going to compare them case insensitively, you have to write your hashCode case insensitively.

public int hashCode(){
     if (name == null){
         return 0;
     } else{
         return name.toLowerCase().hashCode();

Also your hashCode method implies that name could be null. If so, you should null-check it in your equals method as well.


I dont see any problem with your approach.

But, I've often seen the following implementation:

public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = super.hashCode();
    result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
    return result;

Update: Here is a link with a better explanation: Best implementation for hashCode method

