puppeteer-cluster: queue instead of execute

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-06 07:18:28

Author of puppeteer-cluster here.

Quote from the docs:

cluster.queue(..): [...] Be aware that this function only returns a Promise for backward compatibility reasons. This function does not run asynchronously and will immediately return.

cluster.execute(...): [...] Works like Cluster.queue, just that this function returns a Promise which will be resolved after the task is executed. In case an error happens during the execution, this function will reject the Promise with the thrown error. There will be no "taskerror" event fired.

When to use which function:

  • Use cluster.queue if you want to queue a large number of jobs (e.g. list of URLs). The task function needs to take care of storing the results by printing them to console or storing them into a database.
  • Use cluster.execute if your task function returns a result. This will still queue the job, so this is like calling queue in addition to waiting for the job to finish. In this scenario, there is most often a "idling cluster" present which is used when a request hits the server (like in your example code).

So, you definitely want to use cluster.execute as you want to wait for the results of the task function. The reason, you do not see any errors is (as quoted above) that the errors of the cluster.queue function are emitted via a taskerror event. The cluster.execute errors are directly thrown (Promise is rejected). Most likely, in both cases your jobs fail, but it is only visible for the cluster.execute
