Find The Duplicate value in CouchDb

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-06 06:07:29

Let's say you have the following three documents.


  "_id": "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a975eed",
  "_rev": "1-dfc3128d8d80760f2cf40328dd24553e",
  "type": "user",
  "name": "Bob"


  "_id": "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a98a0c6",
  "_rev": "1-820e231c44f9b3125db79e0c00bbc050",
  "type": "user",
  "name": "Peter"

Another Bob:

  "_id": "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a99f360",
  "_rev": "1-dfc3128d8d80760f2cf40328dd24553e",
  "type": "user",
  "name": "Bob"

You want to find documents with duplicate name values. Simply create a view on the name field with the following map function:

function (doc) {
  if (doc.type == "user") {

Use the built in _count reduce function. If you query this view with reduce=false, you will get the following results:

  total_rows: 3,
  offset: 0,
  rows: [
      id: "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a975eed",
      key: "Bob",
      value: null
      id: "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a99f360",
      key: "Bob",
      value: null
      id: "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a98a0c6",
      key: "Peter",
      value: null

As these results are collated (sorted) by name, duplicate name values will be adjacent to each other in the results.

Alternatively, you can query this view with group=true and you will get the following results:

  rows: [
      key: "Bob",
      value: 2
      key: "Peter",
      value: 1

Any result with a value of 2 or greater indicates that there are duplicates. Having identified that there are duplicate entries for the key of "Bob", you can then query for all of the "Bob"s using reduce=false&key="Bob", which will give you the following results:

  total_rows: 3,
  offset: 1,
  rows: [
      id: "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a975eed",
      key: "Bob",
      value: null
      id: "89d9ffe10a33df504ecc8d7c9a99f360",
      key: "Bob",
      value: null