
CSS position Sticky and Z-Index overlay/modal

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-05-29 05:36:11
问题 i have a problem with the position: sticky and z-index I want my modal in the sticky-element to be overlayed by the overlay. With position: relative it works: the modal is before the overlay. But when I use Sticky the modal is behind the overlay. Hope it's understandable what I mean. Here's the example: .sticky { position: sticky; /* <-- dosen't work */ /* position: relative; /* <-- work */ top: 0; width: 100%; height: 200vh; background: red; } .modal { z-index: 1000; position: fixed; margin:

CSS position Sticky and Z-Index overlay/modal

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-05-29 05:36:06
问题 i have a problem with the position: sticky and z-index I want my modal in the sticky-element to be overlayed by the overlay. With position: relative it works: the modal is before the overlay. But when I use Sticky the modal is behind the overlay. Hope it's understandable what I mean. Here's the example: .sticky { position: sticky; /* <-- dosen't work */ /* position: relative; /* <-- work */ top: 0; width: 100%; height: 200vh; background: red; } .modal { z-index: 1000; position: fixed; margin:

How do I set the z index of an Python tkinter canvas element?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-05-17 03:11:48
问题 how can I set the z-index of tkinter canvas elements (circle, rectangle) on initial startup of the canvas? Or can I set a z-index directly when drawing e.g. a circle? Unfortunately I could not do much with canvas.tag_lower("tag_name") . I thought this command moves all elements of a tag one level back - is that so? class CanvasGui(tk.Canvas): def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master, bg="#FFF", highlightthickness=0, borderwidth=0) self.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self

How do I set the z index of an Python tkinter canvas element?

大憨熊 提交于 2020-05-17 03:11:27
问题 how can I set the z-index of tkinter canvas elements (circle, rectangle) on initial startup of the canvas? Or can I set a z-index directly when drawing e.g. a circle? Unfortunately I could not do much with canvas.tag_lower("tag_name") . I thought this command moves all elements of a tag one level back - is that so? class CanvasGui(tk.Canvas): def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master, bg="#FFF", highlightthickness=0, borderwidth=0) self.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self

Sub Nav doesnt appear over the image in ie7

我们两清 提交于 2020-04-30 12:28:17
问题 This is possibly the most irritating thing ever. I've spent a long long time troubleshooting to this to no avail, so please someone help put me out of misery!! I'm trying to float the sub nav under products over the image below in IE7. Easy? NOPE! 回答1: On #menu ul , remove position: relative . On #header , remove position: relative , and add some high z-index value. I tested it with z-index: 300 . See this previous answer of mine for further information about the nature of the bug. 来源: https:

Sub Nav doesnt appear over the image in ie7

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-04-30 12:27:10
问题 This is possibly the most irritating thing ever. I've spent a long long time troubleshooting to this to no avail, so please someone help put me out of misery!! I'm trying to float the sub nav under products over the image below in IE7. Easy? NOPE! 回答1: On #menu ul , remove position: relative . On #header , remove position: relative , and add some high z-index value. I tested it with z-index: 300 . See this previous answer of mine for further information about the nature of the bug. 来源: https:

CSS z-index 属性的使用方法和层级树的概念

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-04-10 18:57:18
http://www.neoease.com/css-z-index-property-and-layering-tree/ 总结: 1.如果节点没有 position 属性,或 position 属为 static,位于文档流后面的节点会覆盖前面的节点,且z-index属性无效。 2. position 属性为 relative 、 absolute 或 fixed 的节点会覆盖没有设 position 属性,或 position 属为 static 的节点。 3.如果节点定义了 position 属性(即 relative 、 absolute 或 fixed ,以下同 ),则层级关系以z-index的值为准。z-index的值可以为负值。 4.如果节点定义了 position 属性,其子节点的层级关系以父节点为准。 5. IE8 以上和 W3C 浏览器 的 z-index 默认值是 auto, 但 IE6 和 IE7 是 0。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/31384/blog/79372

Set the z-index value of a jQuery autocomplete input a level above the result list itself

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-04-10 08:23:47
问题 The default behavior for the jQuery Autocomplete widget is to position the results list one z-index level above the input so that the latter is always visible but in my case this has the undesirable effect of overshadowing the text input element. I tried to set the z-index value input element at least one level above that of the result list from within the open method like so without much success: open: function () { setTimeout(function () { $(this).css('zIndex', 10000); }, 1); }, close:

理解 CSS 的 z-index 属性

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-04-08 06:42:40
通常认为HTML页面是二维的,但实际上,CSS还有一个 z-index 属性,允许层叠元素。 所有的盒模型元素都处于三维坐标系中。 除了我们常用的横坐标和纵坐标, 盒模型元素还可以沿着“z轴”层叠摆放, 当他们相互覆盖时, z轴顺序就变得十分重要。 -- CSS 2.1 Section 9.9.1 - Layered presentation 默认的摆放规则 假定元素没有指定 z-index 属性,那么元素按照如下顺序叠放(从底到顶) 根元素的背景和边界 普通流(无定位)里的块元素(没有position或者position:static;)按HTML中的出现顺序堆叠 定位元素按HTML中的出现顺序堆叠 浮动 对于浮动的块元素来说,堆叠顺序变得有些不同。浮动块元素被放置于非定位块元素与定位块元素之间: 根元素的背景与边框 位于普通流中的后代块元素按照它们在 HTML 中出现的顺序堆叠 浮动块元素 常规流中的后代行内元素 后代中的定位元素按照它们在 HTML 中出现的顺序堆叠 使用 z-index 如果需要改变默认的摆放顺序,只需给元素指定 z-index 。 z-index 必须是整数,体现了元素在z轴的位置: 底层:距离观察者最远 …… -3 层 -2 层 -1 层 0 层 (默认) 1 层 2 层 3 层 …… 顶层:最接近观察者 没有指定 z-index 的时候


感情迁移 提交于 2020-04-03 10:24:40
在使用z-index这个属性之前,我们必须先了解使用z-index的必要条件: 1、要想给元素设置z-index样式,必须先让它变成定位元素,说的明白一点,就是要给元素设置一个postion:relative(定位元素:position属性值设置除默认值static以外的元素,包括relative,absolute,fixed)样式。 2、不要给想控制“上、下”的元素设置z-index,而是对他们的父容器设置z-index样式。 看懂了以上两点,我们就明白了如何才能使用z-index这个属性,那就是我们在使用z-index前,先将元素定位,例如position:relative;然后再后面再添加z-index:2000就OK了。 当定位元素的 'z-index' 未设置时(默认为 auto),在 IE6 IE7 IE8(Q) 下将会创建一个新的局部层叠上下文。而在其它浏览器下,则严格按照规范,不产生新的局部层叠上下文。 在可能出现定位元素相互覆盖的情况时,明确指定定位元素的 'z-index' 特性,避免此问题的出现。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/hyql/p/5461862.html