
How to easily send local file to Google Cloud Storage in Scala

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-20 17:57:10
问题 I need to upload a local file to Google Cloud Storage using Scala language. What is the easiest way to do it? This file will also need to be public downloaded later. 回答1: Use the java library provided by Google. It will work with scala as well. They provide an example of how to use this library here. It's in java but the scala equivalent should be easy to code. 来源:

How to easily send local file to Google Cloud Storage in Scala

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-20 17:54:43
问题 I need to upload a local file to Google Cloud Storage using Scala language. What is the easiest way to do it? This file will also need to be public downloaded later. 回答1: Use the java library provided by Google. It will work with scala as well. They provide an example of how to use this library here. It's in java but the scala equivalent should be easy to code. 来源:

Explain Like I'm Five: Form w/ Text and Image Field > Routes > Controller > Write to MongoDB Document - GridFS goes where?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-11 16:33:08
问题 I have been trying to read the documentation for GridFS and MongoDB for awhile. They just keep repeating the same thing and I can't make sense of it. Desired Output: The user submits a form that form contains many fields, but one is an image. The request needs to store the data in a collection and make a new document, which can be retrieved later. My main question is how do I use GridFS in this situation to store an image in that document. It says GridFS makes two collections in my database

Explain Like I'm Five: Form w/ Text and Image Field > Routes > Controller > Write to MongoDB Document - GridFS goes where?

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-11 16:28:52
问题 I have been trying to read the documentation for GridFS and MongoDB for awhile. They just keep repeating the same thing and I can't make sense of it. Desired Output: The user submits a form that form contains many fields, but one is an image. The request needs to store the data in a collection and make a new document, which can be retrieved later. My main question is how do I use GridFS in this situation to store an image in that document. It says GridFS makes two collections in my database

Upload Zip Chunks and Join them on Azure Platform

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-02-11 14:30:00
问题 I want to know that.. If I make chunks of a big Zip file and upload all chunks on Azure Cloud Storage in Container Blobs. Can i Join these chunks on Azure Platform.? for chunking i am using this code which is also generating .bat file for rejoining the chunks.. public void SplitFile(){ int numericUpDown = 100;//in MB string PathToCopyChunks = ""; // path to store chunks and ( .bat ) file string FilePathMakeChunks = DirectoryNameToPutScannedData; //the path of file to make chunks. try{ int kbs

Upload Zip Chunks and Join them on Azure Platform

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-11 14:29:58
问题 I want to know that.. If I make chunks of a big Zip file and upload all chunks on Azure Cloud Storage in Container Blobs. Can i Join these chunks on Azure Platform.? for chunking i am using this code which is also generating .bat file for rejoining the chunks.. public void SplitFile(){ int numericUpDown = 100;//in MB string PathToCopyChunks = ""; // path to store chunks and ( .bat ) file string FilePathMakeChunks = DirectoryNameToPutScannedData; //the path of file to make chunks. try{ int kbs

Not getting correct value of Storage Volume(Internal)

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-11 13:41:30
问题 I want total internal space available in Phone but in this code getInternalFreeSpace returns correct value but getInternalStorageSpace doesn't return exact available space because of not counting ANDROID OS Size. Like my phone has 64GB but this code returns 51.6GB. The Only missing is 12.40 GB i.e. ANDROID OS size, 51.6GB + 12.40 = 64.00 fun getInternalStorageSpace(): Float{ val statsFs = StatFs(Environment.getDataDirectory().absolutePath) val sizeKB = statsFs.blockCountLong.toFloat() *

Saving data on OneDrive or Google Drive (Heroku)

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-11 12:26:24
问题 Hello I am new to using django and heroku and through out me designing my first project I Found out that I need a AWS 3 account/S3 storage to store images/files but I was wondering if I could use either a OneDrive or a Google Drive to save the files/images that the user uploads and if so, is it Like when using a AWS 3 storage. 回答1: Heroku has an “ephemeral” hard drive, this means that you can write files to disk, but those files will not persist after the application is restarted. You would

Saving data on OneDrive or Google Drive (Heroku)

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-11 12:25:33
问题 Hello I am new to using django and heroku and through out me designing my first project I Found out that I need a AWS 3 account/S3 storage to store images/files but I was wondering if I could use either a OneDrive or a Google Drive to save the files/images that the user uploads and if so, is it Like when using a AWS 3 storage. 回答1: Heroku has an “ephemeral” hard drive, this means that you can write files to disk, but those files will not persist after the application is restarted. You would

Nested Observable/Promise (trying to block/wait flow in mapper function)

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-10 22:42:33
问题 I have the following code in an Angular app: services$ .pipe( map(serviceModels => { serviceModels .forEach((srv, srvIdx) => { // Resolve images in services srv.images.forEach(async (img, imgIdx) => { serviceModels[srvIdx].images[imgIdx] = await this.imageSrv.resolveImage(img).toPromise(); }); }); return serviceModels; }); [...] Result is a single emition with one value change afterwards. emit -> service.image[0] // 'unrendered-url' -> (wait) -> service.image[0] // correct-url/image-path I'm