

余生长醉 提交于 2020-02-29 01:07:36
最近在做网站的时候用到了SSI技术,即可以在静态网页中使用服务器端包含功能,网页文件的扩展名为.shtml,这里不详细阐述SSI技术,有兴趣的朋友可以去网上搜索一下。 具体方法如下: 1、依次打开控制面板→程序和功能→打开或关闭Windwos功能 2、在打开的Windows功能窗口中依次展开Internet信息服务→万维网服务→应用程序开发功能,将“服务器端包含”选项前面的勾勾上,确定安装即可,相关截图如下所示: 1.<!-- -->是HTML语法中表示注释,当WEB服务器不支持SSI时,会忽略这些信息。   2.#include 为SSI指令之一。   3.file 为include的参数, info.htm为参数值,在本指令中指将要包含的文档名。   注意:   1.<!--与#号间无空格,只有SSI指令与参数间存在空格。   2.上面的标点="",一个也不能少。   3.SSI指令是大小写敏感的,因此参数必须是小写才会起作用。详细可以查看SHTML详细教程 ,通过SHTML可以减轻许多工作负担哦。另外:shtml文件在网页服务器下运行才有效,直接用ie打开将被当作是文本文件。 来源:


廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-03 04:26:13
先记录一下 idea安装Python的语言支持插件后的操作:我用的是 windows环境、 windows环境、 windows环境 。 首先 下载 Anaconda3 的可执行文件 下载地址 然后安装,安装过程中有一个环节,默认打了一个勾,把上面的配置环境变量也勾上,然后一路next 借图说明下: 安装完成后,打开cms 输入 :conda info --env 查看下环境,默认只有一个base; 下面那个py37是后来建的,创建命令conda create -n py37 删除环境谨慎执行:conda remove -n py37 激活环境:activate base 关闭环境:deactivate base 激活后,就可以起飞了。 惯例:helloworld #!/usr/bin/python3 print('hello world') 1, 报错原因: TypeError: can’t use a string pattern on a bytes-like object. html用decode(‘utf-8’)进行解码,由bytes变成string。 py3的urlopen返回的不是string是bytes。 解决: html = html.decode('utf-8') 2. 报错原因: 如果用 urllib.request.urlopen 方式打开一个URL

How to include PHP file in SHTML pages?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-31 02:11:16
问题 I have a shtml file index.shtml in which I want to include a PHP file which performs some programing and returns HTML data. I am trying to include my PHP file but I don't know how to do that, I tried following but nothing is working, Following line is just printing an error, " [an error occurred while processing this directive] ": <!--#include file="/SSI/test.php"--> This line is displaying some junk characters: <!--#include virtual="/SSI/test.php"--> This line is doing nothing and displaying

How to include PHP file in SHTML pages?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-31 02:11:05
问题 I have a shtml file index.shtml in which I want to include a PHP file which performs some programing and returns HTML data. I am trying to include my PHP file but I don't know how to do that, I tried following but nothing is working, Following line is just printing an error, " [an error occurred while processing this directive] ": <!--#include file="/SSI/test.php"--> This line is displaying some junk characters: <!--#include virtual="/SSI/test.php"--> This line is doing nothing and displaying

Apache Tomcat关于shtml和SSI技术

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-26 13:22:56
Tomcat Tomcat 6.×里默认ssi配置是注释掉的,要使用SSI,必须去掉该注释。SSI有servlet和filter两种配置。用SSI servlet的话,去掉SSI servlet和servlet mapping的注释。若是用SSI Filter,则要修改三个地方: 去掉filter ssi的注释,; 去掉ssi filter mapping的注释,; 去掉filter ssi mime mapping的注释。 最后关键一步: 修改tomcat_home/conf/context.xml文件里的context标签: 原: <Context> 修改为 <Context privileged="true"> 重启tomcat就ok了

PHP 实现页面静态化

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-24 03:03:03
PHP文件执行阶段: 语法分析-》编译-》运行 静态html文件执行顺序 :运行 动态程序: 连接数据库服务器或者缓存服务器-> 获取数据->填充到模板->呈现给用户 关于优化页面响应时间 动态页面静态化 优化数据库 使用负载均衡 使用缓存 1.  动态页面静态化: 页面中一些内容不经常改动 不适用于内容经常变换的应用:例如:微博等。如果页面中一些内容改动,动态页面静态化是非常有效的加速方法。   动态页面静态化好处: 减少服务器脚本的计算时间 降低服务器的响应时间 2.  动态URL地址设置静态形式(伪静态) 3.  php静态化: 1.纯静态: a. 局部纯静态 b. 全部纯静态 2. 伪静态 4.Buffer认知(php.ini文件中output_buffering=on开启缓存区,ob_start()也可以开启缓存区) a) Buffer其实就是缓冲区,一个内存地址空间,主要用于数据存储区域。 b)输出流程:内容-》php buffer->tcp->终端 c)获取缓冲区内容:php内容函数 ob_get_contents(); d)ob_start():开启缓冲区(php5.3默认开启output_buffering=on) 5.php如何实现页面纯静态化 a)基本方式 i.file_put_contents()函数:将一个字符串写入文件 file_put_contents


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-12 10:45:27
SSI注入漏洞总结 from: 现在大多数Web服务已经很少用到SSI了,但是偶尔还是能碰碰运气的。 0x01 基本概念 何为SSI SSI全称是Server Side Includes,即服务器端包含,是一种基于服务器端的网页制作技术。 SSI是嵌入HTML页面中的指令,在页面被提供时由服务器进行运算,以对现有HTML页面增加动态生成的内容,而无须通过CGI程序提供其整个页面,或者使用其他动态技术。 基本原理就是:SSI在HTML文件中,可以通过注释行调用命令或指针,即允许通过在HTML页面注入脚本或远程执行任意代码。 SHTML文件 SHTML即Server-Parsed HTML。 shtml文件(还有stm、shtm文件)就是应用了SSI技术的html文件,所以在.shtml页面返回到客户端前,页面中的SSI指令将被服务器解析。可以使用SSI指令将其它文件、图片包含在页面中,也可以将其它的CGI程序包含在页面中,如.aspx文件。在给客户端返回的页面中不会包含SSI指令。如果SSI指令不能被解析,则浏览器会将其做为普通的HTML注释处理。 Web服务启动SSI Nginx 在Nginx中

How to run shtml include in php

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-11 15:38:37
问题 I have dozens of .shtml files on the server which include this statement to include .inc files: <!--#include virtual="../v4/" --> This is exactly how it shows on the source which is working just fine. I am wondering whether I can run this on my php code without changing it since the current files has this kind of inclusion a lot and I don't want to mess with a lot of code like this one. I just don't want to change it to something like <?php include "../v4/"; ?> 回答1:

Configuration of SSI in IIS 7

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-08 04:24:05
问题 I've installed ServerSideIncludes module on my computer and it works great with one exception. <!--#include virtual="" --> The line above is causing the problem. I know I must change virtual with file but I have a huge website and it means I must change at least 1000 line of code like this and I am looking for a way to run virtual properly in IIS 7. I've been looking for this solution but all I've been able to find the solution I've mentioned above. Do you know how to solve this

Configuration of SSI in IIS 7

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-06 14:36:58
I've installed ServerSideIncludes module on my computer and it works great with one exception. <!--#include virtual="" --> The line above is causing the problem. I know I must change virtual with file but I have a huge website and it means I must change at least 1000 line of code like this and I am looking for a way to run virtual properly in IIS 7. I've been looking for this solution but all I've been able to find the solution I've mentioned above. Do you know how to solve this problem without changing the virtual to file Thanks. Do you have parent paths enabled over your site?