
C语言函数_string.h 之 内存comparison函数memcmp

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-08 17:21:54
memcmp 原型: int memcmp(const void *ptr1, const void*ptr2, unsigned int count); 功能: memcmp用于比较内存区域ptr1和ptr2的前count个字节,是按字节进行比较的。 头文件: string.h 或 memory.h 返回值: < 0 :ptr1和ptr2所指内存中第一个不相等的字节有*((char*)ptr1+x) < * ((char*)ptr2+x) > 0 :ptr1和ptr2所指内存中第一个不相等的字节有*((char*)ptr1+x) > * ((char*)ptr2+x) = 0 :ptr1和ptr2所指的内存块中前count个字节都相等 说明: 1、函数的返回条件是:比较次数达count次或者*((char*)ptr1+x) - *((char*)ptr2+x)的值不 为零(即两个块内存中第x字节不相等)。 2、函数是按字节进行比较的,如果还没有达到上述返回条件,即使遇到'\0'也不会停止比较。 而判断规则是按照ASCII码表中字母的顺序进行比较的,即'a'的值为97,'A'的值为65,因此'a' 比'A'大。 3、调用函数时如果参数为结构体,则需要确保结构体中的填充字节被清零。例子: typedef struct memcmp_test { short data1; int


对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-08 17:21:39
memcmp用法&&实现 目录 memcmp用法&&实现 用法: 实现 : strcmp && memcmp区别 用法: 头文件:<memory.h>或 <string.h> 函数功能:比较内存区域buf1和buf2的前count个字节。该函数是按字节比较的 函数返回值: 当buf1<buf2时,返回值<0 当buf1=buf2时,返回值=0 当buf1>buf2时,返回值>0 函数原型: int memcmp(const void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n) 实现 : int My_memcmp(const void *dest,const void *src,size_t n) { assert(dest!=NULL && src!=NULL && n>0); const char *pdest=(char*)dest; const char *psrc=(char*)src; while(*pdest == *psrc && --n>0) { pdest++; psrc++; } int a=*pdest-*pstc; if(a>0){return 1;} else if(a<0){return -1;} else{return 0;} return a; } strcmp && memcmp区别 strcmp比较的字符串


大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-08 17:21:27
memcmp函数是用于比较字符串的,比较内存前N个字节; 该函数在头文件<string.h>中,函数定义为:int memcmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); 字符串大小的比较是以ASCII 码表上的顺序来决定,次顺序亦为字符的值。memcmp()首先将s1 第一个字符值减去s2 第一个字符的值,若差为0 则再继续比较下个字符,若差值不为0 则将差值返回。例如,字符串"Ab"和"ba"比较则会返回字符'A'(65)和'b'(98)的差值(-33)。 返回值:两个字符串内容完全一样,返回0;若S1大于S2,则大于0,反之则小于0; 下面个是别人的范例: #include <string.h> main(){ char *a = "aBcDeF"; char *b = "AbCdEf"; char *c = "aacdef"; char *d = "aBcDeF"; printf("memcmp(a, b):%d\n", memcmp((void*)a, (void*)b, 6)); printf("memcmp(a, c):%d\n", memcmp((void*)a, (void*)c, 6)); printf("memcmp(a, d):%d\n", memcmp((void*)a, (void*)d, 6)); }


时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-08 17:16:54
【FROM MSDN && 百科】 原型:   int memcmp(const void *buf1, const void *buf2, unsigned int count); #include<string.h> 比较内存区域buf1和buf2的前count个字节。此函数是按字节比较。 Compares the first num bytes of the block of memory pointed by ptr1 to the first num bytes pointed by ptr2, returning zero if they all match or a value different from zero representing which is greater if they do not。 Notice that, unlike strcmp , the function does not stop comparing after finding a null character. 对于memcmp(),如果两个字符串相同而且count大于字符串长度的话,memcmp不会在\0处停下来,会继续比较\0后面的内存单元, 如果想使用memcmp比较字符串,要保证count不能超过最短字符串的长度,否则结果有可能是错误的。 DEMO: //#define

Using memset on structures in C++

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-07 01:58:40
问题 Hey guys. I am working on fixing older code for my job. It is currently written in C++. They converted static allocation to dynamic but didn't edit the memsets/memcmp/memcpy. This is my first programming internship so bare with my newbe-like question. The following code is in C, but I want to have it in C++ ( I read that malloc isn't good practice in C++). I have two scenarios: First, we have f created. Then you use &f in order to fill with zero. The second is a pointer *pf. I'm not sure how

C array comparison

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-05 11:22:14
Is the defacto method for comparing arrays (in C) to use memcmp from string.h ? I want to compare arrays of ints and doubles in my unit tests I am unsure whether to use something like: double a[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; double b[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; size_t n = 3; if (! memcmp(a, b, n * sizeof(double))) /* arrays equal */ or to write a bespoke is_array_equal(a, b, n) type function? memcmp would do an exact comparison, which is seldom a good idea for floats, and would not follow the rule that NaN != NaN. For sorting, that's fine, but for other purposes, you might to do an approximate comparison such


核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-04 20:27:40
  前言:  C语言中有很多东西容易搞混,最近笔者就遇到了一个问题。这里做个记录。就是memcmp和strcmp两者的用法,这里做个对比:   功能对比:  A memcmp: 函数原型: int memcmp(const void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n));  功能:比较内存区域buf1和buf2的前count个字节。  返回值: 如果返回值 < 0,则表示 str1 小于 str2。 如果返回值 > 0,则表示 str2 小于 str1。 如果返回值 = 0,则表示 str1 等于 str2。  B strcmp函数  函数原型: int strcmp ( const char *s1, const char *s2);  功能:用于比较两个字符串并根据比较结果返回整数  返回值: 如果返回值 < 0,则表示 str1 小于 str2。 如果返回值 > 0,则表示 str2 小于 str1。 如果返回值 = 0,则表示 str1 等于 str2。  源码对比:   下面这个例子,能够很好的诠释两个函数的用法: 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <string.h> 3 4 5 int main() 6 { 7 unsigned char test1_arr[32] = "hello world"; 8

Should I use memcmp or chained equal-to operations when both give the same result?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-04 15:35:09
问题 Precondition : Consider such a class or struct T , that for two objects a and b of type T memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(T)) == 0 yields the same result as a.member1 == b.member1 && a.member2 == b.member2 && ... ( memberN is a non-static member variable of T ). Question : When should memcmp be used to compare a and b for equality, and when should the chained == s be used? Here's a simple example: struct vector { int x, y; }; To overload operator == for vector , there are two possibilities (if they're

Why does a bitmap compare not equal to itself?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-04 12:14:02
问题 This is a bit puzzling here. The following code is part of a little testing application to verify that code changes didn't introduce a regression. To make it fast we used memcmp which appears to be the fastest way of comparing two images of equal size (unsurprisingly). However, we have a few test images that exhibit a rather surprising problem: memcmp on the bitmap data tells us that they are not equal, however, a pixel-by-pixel comparison doesn't find any difference at all. I was under the

What does size of the memcmp return value mean?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-04 05:11:30
问题 I just happened to debug an incredibly nasty error: On my own PC (Windows 7 x64, MinGw) my C program would successfully sort an array using the memcmp when comparing array members. My function used bubble sort algorithm and it's skeleton would look like this: void array_sort(ArrayMap *array, char direction) { make sure direction is +1 or -1 only define some variables for(...) { for(...) { cmpres = memcmp(elm1, elm2, sizeOfElement); if (cmpres!=0&&cmpres!=direction) { SWAP here } } } Now while