
Retrive frames from FLIR cameras using OpenCV

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-08-26 10:13:27
问题 I am trying to connect a FLIR cammera and process the frames using OpenCV. I connect the cammera with an internet cable but the VideoCapture object was not associated to cam successfully; cv::VideoCapture cam(0); if (cam.isOpened() == false) { std::cout << "error: capWebcam not accessed successfully\n\n"; _getch(); return(0); } It looks like OpenCv can´t find it. The internet cable serves and as a power supply for the cammera just mentioning if maybe that's relavant. I can use the Spinnaker

Retrive frames from FLIR cameras using OpenCV

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-08-26 10:09:40
问题 I am trying to connect a FLIR cammera and process the frames using OpenCV. I connect the cammera with an internet cable but the VideoCapture object was not associated to cam successfully; cv::VideoCapture cam(0); if (cam.isOpened() == false) { std::cout << "error: capWebcam not accessed successfully\n\n"; _getch(); return(0); } It looks like OpenCv can´t find it. The internet cable serves and as a power supply for the cammera just mentioning if maybe that's relavant. I can use the Spinnaker

热成像检测 论文解读

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-28 11:14:04
英文原文: 背景 能否通过从诸如visual RGB之类的丰富域中借用功能来改进ethermaldomain的检测?本文提出了一种基于自然图像域数据的伪多模目标检测方法,以提高热像中目标检测的性能。我们假设访问visual RGB域中的大型数据集,而访问asiscomonday的thermaldomain中相对较小的数据集(就实例而言)。我们提出了利用已知的图像到图像转换框架来生成给定热图像的seudo-RGB等价物,然后使用多模态结构来检测热图像中的目标。我们表明,我们的框架优于现有的基准,而没有明确的需要从实例中训练。同样表明,我们的框架在使用我们的方法时,能够以较少的数据从热域学习。 介绍 根据最近的死亡事故[29],具有2级和3级自主权的自动驾驶车辆(lackingthermalimaging)中的电流传感器不足以检测车辆和行人。天黑后,行人尤其面临危险,美国5987名行人死亡事故中,75%发生在2016年[33]。在这种情况下,热传感器表现良好,自主式2级和3级传感器套件技术面临挑战。众所周知,热红外相机对光照变化的鲁棒性相对较高,因此可以在白天和夜间使用。此外,它们成本低、非侵入性强、体积小。因此


拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-07 07:15:25
问题 I've recently bumped into facelift, an alternative to sIFR and I was wondering if those who have experience with both sIFR and FLIR could shed some light on their experience with FLIR. For those of you who've not yet read about how FLIR does it, FLIR works by taking the text from targeted elements using JavaScript to then make calls to a PHP app that uses PHP's GD to render and return transparent PNG images that get placed as background for the said element, where the overflow is then set to


流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-05 15:35:04
I've recently bumped into facelift, an alternative to sIFR and I was wondering if those who have experience with both sIFR and FLIR could shed some light on their experience with FLIR. For those of you who've not yet read about how FLIR does it, FLIR works by taking the text from targeted elements using JavaScript to then make calls to a PHP app that uses PHP's GD to render and return transparent PNG images that get placed as background for the said element, where the overflow is then set to hidden and padding is applied equal to the elements dimensions to effectively push the text out of view